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Extreme Sport

Doing Sport and Exercise: Watch the video

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Do your family members do any sports / types of exercise in the video? If yes, what do they do?


Check the vocabulary and practise asking the questions about sport and exercise. Click on the pdf link to open the document


Speaking practice: Sports and exercise

Get ready for speaking:

  1. Choose your level (A2, B1, B2/B2+) and look at the questions

  2. ​Choose one or more questions and prepare your answers. 


Do you like to do sport / exercise? Why? Why not?

What's your favourite sport? Why?

Which sports/ forms of exercise do you do with your family?

Do you prefer watching or doing sports? Why?



Which sports in the video do you do / would you like to try?

Do you prefer team sports or individual sports? Why?

Have you ever been to a sporting event? If yes, what happened?

What are the benefits / advantages of doing sport / exercise?

U.Intermediate /+

Which sports / forms of exercise do you enjoy the most? Why?

Would you describe yourself as an active person? Why? Why not?

Why do you think some people enjoy taking part in contact sports such as rugby or judo?

Why do some people get addicted to sports? How can this affect their lives?

Which is more important, the winning at all costs or the taking part?

How can you prepare your answers?

  • Write down key vocabulary using a) verb + noun, or b) adjective + noun or c) verb + adjective + noun. You can use a dictionary to translate vocabulary you don't know in English. 

  • Practise answering the question(s) using the vocabulary


   3. Are you ready? Now record your answer(s) to the questions.

       You can use your phone or online voice recorders such as:







   Record your answer several times and listen to yourself.

   When you're happy share your recording with a friend / study

   buddy to get some feedback.

  • What was good? How can you improve it?


   4. Wait 2/3 days and record your answers again. This will help

   you to be more fluent.


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